Ductless Mini Split AC Services in Frisco, TX

Experience the comfort of a well-regulated home with our ductless mini split AC systems. Serving Frisco, TX, including Little Elm and Prosper, we're ready to discuss your cooling needs today.

Are you tired of struggling with uneven temperatures in your home? At Correct Temp Heating & Cooling, we understand how frustrating it can be. That’s why we offer our top-notch ductless mini split AC systems in Frisco, TX.

We’re not just any HVAC service provider; we’re licensed, Mitsubishi Multi-V certified, and EPA certified.

Our team prides itself on our exceptional service, always calling 15 minutes before our appointment. We offer honest pricing and a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring you get the best value for your money.

Is your ductless system not cooling your home? You may have a refrigerant leak, so call us for refrigerant leak repair in the DFW area.